Well, I ran across this Toffee recipe that has been floating around the internet. I wish I had the exact recipe I followed so I could link this brilliant person like they deserved to be linked. But if you do a simple google search for "saltine cracker toffee", you're bound to find a slew of copy cat recipes! That's what my recipe is...it's a copy cat, except I used my beloved VELATA chocolate instead of regular store bought chocolate chips. The difference? Think of Velata as the Macy's or Bloomingdale's of department stores, while store bought chocolate chips is the Dillard's or JCPenney's. Nothing wrong with store bought chocolate chips at all...they are still tasty...but not AS tasty or AS gourmet as Velata!
So here it is, complete with my own personal pictures of the recipe steps. :)
What you need:
36 saltine crackers
1 cup butter
1 cup brown sugar
1 bag Chocolate chips
1 cup of your choice of chopped walnuts, peanuts, sprinkles, crushed candy, etc...
1 cup butter
1 cup brown sugar
1 bag Chocolate chips
1 cup of your choice of chopped walnuts, peanuts, sprinkles, crushed candy, etc...
Preheat oven to 375.
Line a cookie sheet with foil and spray with cooking spray.
Place the saltines in a single layer on the tray. Try not to overlap.
I broke some of mine to fill in the gaps. ;)
And yes, I ended up putting some on that bottom left corner!
In a saucepan, melt the one cup of butter.
Add your one cup of brown sugar.
Bring to a slow boil and stir continuously for about 3 minutes.
Immediately pour the mixture over the crackers, covering as evenly as possible.
In your heated oven (375 degrees), bake for 5-7 minutes.
After taking them out, immediately place your
Velata chips on the top.
(I pretty much laid mine out one by one so they wouldn't overlap and take too long to melt.)
As you can see, I used white chocolate AND milk chocolate!
Allow the chocolate to melt a little on it's own.
Note: Velata chips are bigger than your normal chocolate chip. I placed mine back in the hot oven for 30 seconds to a minute to let them warm a tad!
Spread the melted chocolate from end to end.
Add your choice of toppings here: sprinkles, nuts, etc. I decided not to use any on my first try.
Refrigerate until cool, then break into pieces to serve!
There you have it! The easiest, yummiest "toffee" with chocolate ever!